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How To Identify & Prevent Mole Damage In Your Yard

Moles are small mammals that spend most of their lives underground, burrowing in tunnels 5-8 inches beneath the surface. Although they have a somewhat similar appearance to mice and rats, moles are not rodents. Moles have short, cylindrical bodies with velvety fur and indistinct eyes & ears. They also have large front paws that are used for digging tunnels. Here in New England, the most common mole species are star-nosed moles, eastern moles, and hairy-tailed moles. These moles commonly cause problems for people by damaging lawns, flower beds, and gardens. In this article, we’ll break down the signs of mole damage and offer tips on how you can get rid of them. Are you experiencing a mole problem on your property in Massachusetts or New Hampshire? Contact Absolut Pest Control today for affordable mole removal services!

Signs Of Mole Damage In Your Yard

Mole damage can look similar to the damage that other small animals like mice & voles can inflict on your lawn, but there are some key differences that can help you identify the star-nosed culprits. One of the easiest ways to identify mole damage is by looking for molehills. These molehills are small mounds of loose soil above the entrance to a mole’s tunnel and are typically around 6 feet apart from each other. Other animals that create holes and dirt mounds, like gophers, typically make their mounds closer together. Another telltale sign of mole damage is the presence of uncharacteristic patches of dead grass in your yard. When moles tunnel below the surface, they damage the root system of the grass above them and leave behind patches of dead grass.

How To Get Moles Out Of Your Lawn

Much like with other pests, the most effective way to solve a mole problem is to hire a professional. Professional pest control services will guarantee that each mole has been snuffed out, and they will not come back. If you’re looking for DIY solutions to a mole problem, there are a few things you can do. One way to prevent moles from ravaging your garden is to plant fragrant flowers along its border. Moles dislike the smell of flowers like daffodils and marigolds, so you can create a natural barrier by planting these on the outskirts of your garden. Applying a homemade repellent is one more way to get rid of the moles in your lawn. You can do this by mixing water, castor oil, and dish soap, then pouring this mixture into the mole tunnel entrances around your yard.

Contact Absolut Pest Control!

If you have any questions about mole control or believe that you have a mole problem on your Massachusetts or New Hampshire property, contact Absolut Pest Control! We provide various pest removal services at affordable prices throughout the region! Contact us today by giving us a call at (978) 388-4589 or by filling out the contact form on our website!

Summer Pest Control Tips: Dealing With Raccoons On Your Property

Here in New England, raccoons are a common problem in the summertime, whether you live in a city or a rural area. This is because raccoons can thrive in areas with livestock and abundant water sources, as well as in urban areas where they have access to trash and other resources. Raccoons, while sometimes cute looking, can be extremely dangerous when it comes to spreading diseases like rabies, canine distemper, and much more. According to the CDC, raccoons are the second most common animal to be found with rabies (after bats), and rabid raccoons can be found all along the east coast. In this article, we’ll discuss some tips on how you can prevent raccoons from frequenting your property and spreading disease to you, your family, and your pets. 

Preventing Raccoons On Your Property

Raccoons are nocturnal animals, meaning they are typically only active at nighttime. For this reason, signs of raccoons are often noticed before actually seeing them. Signs of raccoon activity include droppings, tracks, unusual sounds, and trash that has been dug through overnight. If you believe raccoons are terrorizing your property, the best course of action is to contact a pest control professional right away. Because of these animals’ high rate of disease, attempting to deal with them on your own can be extremely dangerous. 

There are some steps you can take to prevent raccoons from frequenting your property in the first place. Some of these steps include:

  • Ensuring garbage is properly sealed with tightly fitting lids.
  • Removing bird feeders and fountains altogether or monitoring them closely.
  • Removing anything from the surrounding area of your home that could act as a hiding place or home for raccoons, including brush or leaf piles and firewood stacks.

Raccoons can also make their way into your home through small entryways like cracked vents, uncapped chimneys, and any other entrance leading inside from the outdoors. Raccoons and other pests have also been known to access homes by getting on the roof using tree limbs, so you should cut back any branches that are within 8 feet of your home.

Contact Absolut Pest Control!

If you have any questions about raccoon control or believe that you have a raccoon problem on your Massachusetts or New Hampshire property, contact Absolut Pest Control! We provide a wide variety of pest removal services at affordable prices throughout the region! Contact us today by giving us a call at (978) 388-4589 or by filling out the contact form on our website!

How To Tell The Difference Between Bees, Wasps, & Hornets Nests

While bees, wasps, and hornets are all essential parts of our ecosystem, they can become a threat when they build their nests in the vicinity of your home. Each one of these flying insects can deliver painful stings that can have dire consequences if the victim is allergic. Studies show that more than 500,000 people are sent to the emergency room annually due to insect stings! While many people can recognize their differences by looking at the insects themselves, identifying the differences between their nests can be a little more difficult. In this article, we’ll go over some key characteristics of each of these nests to help you identify and deal with them! If you are experiencing a bee, hornet, or wasp problem in Massachusetts or Southern New Hampshire, Absolut Pest Control is here to help! Contact us today at (978) 388-4589 or fill out the contact form on our website!

Identifying Wasps Nests

“Paper Wasps” or “Umbrella Wasps” get their name from the characteristics of their nests. These nests are built from a paper-like material and are often in a shape that resembles an umbrella. Their nests are often found in the area surrounding a home, hanging from trees, porch ceilings, decks, and more. One key identifier for these nests is that they sometimes contain open, uncovered cells where the insects lay their eggs. Paper wasps are known to sting people when their nests are disturbed or if they feel threatened.

Identifying Bees Nests

Honey bees gather pollen and nectar from flowers to feed their colonies. These bee’s nests, called hives, are often found in areas with an abundant supply of flowering plants. Honey bee hives can be identified by their signature hexagonal wax cells, a characteristic that is often pictured when people think of a stereotypical bee’s nest. You can keep a lookout for these bee hives in areas like tree limbs, tires, utility poles, mailboxes, flowerpots, and even bird houses. Much like with other stinging insects, honey bees are not violent by nature but will sting if they feel threatened.

Identifying Hornets Nests

European hornet’s nests are commonly found in sheds, attics, tree cavities, and other enclosed places. One key identifying factor for these nests is that they are typically built at least 6 feet above the ground. Many times, what people believe to be hornets are actually yellow jackets or ground wasps, both of which construct subterranean nests in old animal burrows or other small holes in the ground. 

Contact Absolut Pest Control!

If you have any questions about stinging insects or believe there’s an infestation on your Massachusetts or New Hampshire property, contact Absolut Pest Control! We provide ethical bee removal services at affordable prices throughout the region! Contact us today by giving us a call at (978) 388-4589 or by filling out the contact form on our website!

Why Do Mosquitoes Bite?

With the weather heating up here in New England, mosquitoes are becoming more and more prevalent every day. Mosquitoes are one of the most irritating pests in the summer, ruining barbecues, outdoor dining, hikes, swimming, and more. This leads to a common question: Why do mosquitoes bite and why are those bites so itchy? In this article, we’ll dive deep into these questions and give you the answers you need!

Why Do Mosquitoes Bite People?

The main reason a mosquito bites is to consume a person’s blood, which they then use to nourish their eggs. Because the protein is used for the insects’ eggs, only female mosquitoes bite, while male mosquitoes consume plant nectar. Studies have shown that some people are more likely to attract & be bitten by mosquitoes due to their body odor, clothes color, body heat, carbon dioxide production, and more. Some scientists believe that blood type may also play a role in how attractive you are to mosquitoes. While mosquito bites are typically harmless other than the irritation and inflammation they cause, some mosquitoes can spread dangerous diseases like West Nile virus, Malaria, Zika virus, and more.

Why Are Mosquito Bites So Itchy?

When a mosquito bites you, it pierces your skin with its long, straw-like mouth and probes around for a blood source. Once it finds a blood source, it will extract a small amount of blood from your skin. In the process, the mosquito leaves behind some of its own saliva. This saliva contains a protein that causes a reaction in your body and histamines to be released, which in turn causes inflammation and itchiness. The amount of histamine that’s released due to a mosquito bite varies depending on the person, making some people more sensitive to these bites. Some studies have shown that you can build a tolerance to mosquito bites if you’re constantly exposed to mosquitoes in the same region of the world, decreasing your immune system response over time.

Contact Absolut Pest Control!

If you have any questions about mosquitoes or need mosquito control services in Massachusetts or southern New Hampshire, Absolut Pest Control is here to help! Our pest control specialists have years of experience treating various pest problems, including insects, rodents, small mammals, birds, bats, and more! Contact us today by giving us a call at (978) 388-4589 or by filling out the contact form on our website!

Differences Between Common Black Ants & Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants on wood

All ants can be nuisances, invading your home in search of food and multiplying to the point where it can become a serious issue. Here in the northeast, the two types of ants we most commonly see homeowners have problems with are common black ants and carpenter ants. These two species of ants can look reasonably similar to the naked eye, but the dangers they bring to your home are vastly different. In this article, we’ll go over the main differences between common black ants & carpenter ants and give you some tips on what you can do to prevent them!

Common Black Ant Characteristics

Common black ants are the ant species that many of us are accustomed to. These ants are scavengers and commonly enter homes searching for food and water. When black ants enter your home, they often come with a large group and will stick around if there is ample food for them to forage. Black ants are typically five to seven millimeters long and have three noticeable body sections: the head, thorax, and abdomen. They commonly invade homes in the New England spring & summertime and can be a nuisance to get rid of once they have taken up residence.

Carpenter Ant Characteristics

Carpenter ants are typically a little bit larger than black ants, as they are usually around ½ inch long. Carpenter ants also have a heart-shaped head, a slight bend or crook in their antennae, and are more likely to have a dual set of wings. While physical differences are important for identifying the species of ant, the most impactful difference between carpenter ants and black ants is the damage they can cause to your home. Similar to termites, carpenter ants can damage the structural integrity of your home. These ants burrow into and make their nests in wood, weakening the walls and framing of your home or building. Carpenter ants typically make their homes in wet wood, so keep your eye out for signs of them in your kitchen, bathroom, and any other room that’s commonly exposed to moisture.

Tips On Preventing Ants

The best way to prevent common black ants is to thoroughly clean your home of any and all food crumbs. Be sure to regularly vacuum carpets, hardwood, and tiles to pick up any food that may be on the ground. Preventing carpenter ants can be a little more tricky. These ants target wet wood and moisture, so it’s essential to make sure you don’t have any leaks or water spots in the walls, floors, and ceilings of your home. If you notice carpenter ants around your house or building, it’s essential to contact a pest control professional as soon as possible to prevent or remedy any damage to the structure of your home.

Contact Absolut Pest Control!

If you have an ant problem in northeastern Massachusetts or southern New Hampshire, Absolut Pest Control is always here to help! Our team has years of experience dealing with ants and various other insects, so you can count on us to solve your problem and prevent these pests from coming back! Give us a call today at (978) 388-4589 or fill out the contact form on our website, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

Pest Control Tips For Spring 2022

Days are becoming warmer here in New England and April is almost here, meaning it’s a great time to start preparing your home for springtime pests! Being proactive about preventing pests now can save you tons of time and effort in a month or so when spring bugs and wildlife begin to infringe on your property. In this article, we’ll go over some things you can do around your home and yard to prevent pests before they have the chance to “bug” you!

Seal Cracks & Holes Around Your Home

After a long New England winter, small cracks and holes can appear around your home’s entryways and foundation, caused by ice & snow or just general wear & tear. These cracks can act like little doors into your home for not only insects, but also small rodents and other pests. For example, a mouse can fit through a hole that’s only the size of a dime and may enter your home in search of food, water, and shelter. You can easily seal these cracks & holes that lead into your home with caulk, making it a cost-effective way to prevent pests this spring. 

Use Window Screens

Similar to the above tip, make sure to use window screens when the weather starts to get warmer and you want some fresh air in your house. Having an open window without a screen is like an open invite for insects and other flying creatures to enter your home! If you don’t have window screens, now is a great time to install them while the bugs of New England are at bay!

Get Rid Of Standing Water

If there’s one tip that you take away from this article, it should probably be this: remove any standing water from your property. Standing water, or water that isn’t constantly flowing, can quickly become a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other insects, allowing them to quickly multiply on your property. Standing water is commonly found in gutters, wheelbarrows, buckets, and anywhere else rain can accumulate. Being proactive and moving these sources of potential standing water now can save you a serious headache when mosquito breeding season comes around!

Properly Store Food

One more tip to get you ready for springtime pests is to always properly store your food. This includes your trash, garden, and even the snacks in your pantry. Be sure to keep your garbage in barrels with lids, put a fence around your garden, and seal your food in air-tight containers. By storing your food correctly, you’ll prevent pests from venturing onto your property in search of food sources!

Contact Absolut Pest Control!

If you’re having a pest problem in Eastern Massachusetts or Southern New Hampshire, Absolut Pest Control is here to help! We provide the region with pest control & removal services for a wide variety of pests, including insects, rodents, bats, birds, termites, small mammals, and much more. Give us a call today at (978) 388-4589 or fill out the contact form on our website, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

How To Treat Bee Stings

Spring and summer are slowly approaching, meaning it’s an excellent time to start preparing for warmer-weather pests here in the northeast. One spring “pest” that we all know so well are bees. While bees are an essential part of our ecosystem, they can be annoying when they’re swarming food or flowers, especially when there’s the threat of them stinging you. In this article, we’ll go over some tips on how you can prevent bee stings and how you should treat them if they happen.

Tips On Preventing Bee Stings

The best way to prevent bee stings is to avoid their hives. Bees are most likely to sting you when you’re around their hives because they can become defensive if they feel you’re threatening them. If you discover a beehive on or around your home, your best course of action is to call a pest control professional who can remove the beehive without exterminating the bees, as they’re essential to plant growth and our environment as a whole. Another way to prevent bee stings is to avoid wearing sweet fragrances like perfumes and colognes because bees and wasps are attracted to these scents. If you’re planning a picnic or other outdoor activity, be sure to keep food and drinks in sealed containers so you don’t attract unwanted attention from bees and other insects. By keeping these tips in mind this spring and summer, you’ll reduce the chances of bee and wasp stings!

Tips On Treating Bee Stings

If you have the misfortune of being stung by a bee, seek medical attention immediately if you’re allergic to bees. If you’re not allergic, the first thing you should do is remove the stinger. Stingers that are not removed can cause a longer-lasting, more severe reaction. You can remove the stinger by swiping over the spot of the sting with your fingernail or credit card. Avoid using tweezers to remove a bee stinger because the pinching can cause more venom to be released into your skin. Once you’ve successfully removed the stinger from your skin, clean the affected area with soap and warm water to avoid the possibility of infection. You can then treat the pain and swelling caused by the sting with a cold compress or ice pack. If the reaction persists, you should ask your doctor about using anti-inflammatories, antihistamines, or hydrocortisone ointments to treat the sting.

Contact Absolut Pest Control!

If you have any questions about bee removal or any other pest control-related problem in northeastern Massachusetts or southern New Hampshire, don’t hesitate to contact Absolut Pest Control! We provide a wide variety of affordable pest control services to residents and businesses of the region! Give us a call today at (978) 388-4589 or fill out the contact form on our website, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

Signs Of A Termite Infestation

signs of termite infestations

Termites are insects that feed on wood and wooden structures, which is why they’re so dangerous to have in your home. Termites can damage the structural integrity of your home by eating away at it in places you won’t always notice. If you believe your home may have a termite infestation, it’s crucial that you contact a pest control professional as soon as possible in order to stop these dangerous pests from further damaging your home or property. In this article, we’ll talk about some of the ways you can identify a termite problem so that you can stop them in their tracks before the issue becomes worse! 

Swarmers & Discarded Wings

Termite swarmers are adult flying termites. Swarmers are the reproductive members of termite colonies and are the only ones that live outside of whatever wooden structure the colony is currently eating away at. Termite swarmers have two large pairs of wings that are about ½ inch in length, so you should be able to distinguish between them and other harmless insects. When swarmers have found a mate, they’ll shed their wings, which you can also keep an eye out for. Swarmers are a telltale sign of an active termite infestation, so if you believe that you’ve seen these insects around your home, it’s essential to contact a pest control professional immediately! 

Mud Tubes

Another telltale sign of a termite infestation is the discovery of mud tubes. Mud tubes are tiny tunnels that are found around the foundation of termite-infested homes. These tubes are 1/4 to 1 inch in diameter and are usually made up of a combination of soil, wood, and termite saliva. If you find what you think might be mud tubes, you can break off a piece of it and wait a few days to see if it comes back. If it does, there’s a very good chance that you have an active termite infestation in your home, and you should contact a pest control professional as soon as possible!

Termite Damage

One more reasonably self-explanatory sign of a termite infestation is finding the damage they’ve created. Termite damage often looks like tiny holes, mazes, or tunnels in wooden walls, floors, studs, and more. Another sign of termite damage is if a piece of wood sounds hollow or dull when tapped. If you believe that you’ve discovered termite damage in your home, you should contact a pest control professional to either confirm that the infestation is not active or eradicate them if it is. 

Contact Absolut Pest Control!

If you have any questions about termite infestation or believe your home may contain one, contact Absolut Pest Control! We provide a wide variety of affordable pest control services in Eastern Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire! Give us a call at (978) 388-4589 or fill out the contact form on our website, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

Tips On Getting Stink Bugs Out Of Your Home

Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs – more commonly known as just stink bugs – are native to eastern Asia but were unknowingly introduced into the United States ecosystem at some point in the mid-1990s. Stink bugs often begin to creep into homes in Massachusetts when the weather starts to get chillier in the fall and early winter. Stink bugs can be seriously annoying because they reproduce quickly and can seemingly appear in your home out of nowhere. Stink bugs also give off a foul smell when they’re killed, hence their name. For this reason, you may want to consider removing them from your home with alternate strategies. Absolut Pest Control provides southern New Hampshire and greater Boston with professional pest control services, including stink bug removal and prevention! 

How To Remove Stink Bugs From Your House

While stink bugs can be an extreme annoyance because of the odor they give off, the good news is that they’re relatively easy to catch. Stink bugs fly rather quickly, but when crawling, they’re quite slow. If you notice one or many stink bugs inside your home, avoid touching or squishing them because they give off a terrible smell when they die. Instead, grab them gently with a plastic bag or trap them in a cup, then take them outside to dispose of them or set them free. If you notice them on the floor or on a carpet, you can vacuum them up, then empty your vacuum cleaner into an outdoor trash can. However, like with most pests, the best way to get rid of all your stink bugs and make sure they’re gone for good is to hire a pest control professional!

How To Prevent Stink Bugs From Getting Inside Your Home

Once you’ve gotten rid of the stink bugs that were already inside your home, it’s essential to prevent more from coming in. One way you can prevent stink bugs from entering your home is by going around the exterior of your house and sealing up any cracks in your screens, windows, and siding. Another strategy for preventing stink bugs is to coat your home’s entryways in an odor-free insect repellent. As always, if you’re worried about stink bugs or any other bugs entering your home, you should hire a pest control professional who will get the job done right!

Contact Absolut Pest Control!

If you have any questions about our pest control services or need pest control at your home, please don’t hesitate to contact us! Give us a call at (978) 388-4589 or fill out the contact form on our website, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

3 Pests That Are Common In The Fall

As the colder weather approaches New England, critters and pests begin looking for a warm place to stay for the winter. This article will go over some common pests that people often have problems with in the fall months.


Like many rodents, mice begin searching for food and warmth when the cold New England weather starts in the fall. Because of this, your home may seem like an attractive place for them to shack up in the fall and winter. The best way to prevent this is by being proactive and making sure to seal off any potential entry points like tiny holes in doors or screens, air vents, gaps around plumbing, and any other small holes that lead into your house. You may also consider setting some preventative mouse traps so you can catch them if they do somehow make their way into your home.


Fall is the time of year when some species of spiders begin laying their eggs before their life comes to an end, which can increase the population and bring the creepy crawlers into your home. While New England doesn’t have many dangerous spider species, it’s still a good idea to call a pest control professional if you have a spider infestation because they can deal with the problem effectively and make sure that the infestation does not persist. If you see spiders or spider webs outside your home, it’s important to remember that spiders are a crucial part of our ecosystem because they control the population of other bugs.


You may begin to see beetles in your home in the fall months because this is around the time that these insects look for a safe place to hibernate for the winter. Some of the most common New England beetles that people have issues with at this time of year are ladybugs and stink bugs. These beetles often congregate around warm areas, so keep an eye out for them near any heat source. When you see beetles, an effective way to get rid of them is by vacuuming them up. Be sure to close off windows and holes in screens so these beetles don’t have an easy entry point into your home.

Contact Absolut Pest Control!

If you have any more questions about autumn pests or have a pest control problem in the greater Boston or southern New Hampshire area, don’t hesitate to contact us! Give us a call at (978) 388-4589, or fill out the contact form on our website!