What Types of Cockroaches Live in New England?

One of the most resilient pests are cockroaches. According to Census.gov, cockroaches have been spotted in about 10% of homes in the United States. These dirty insects can be found in almost all places, including restaurants, farms, offices and of course homes. Cockroaches are attracted to food, moisture, and dark, sheltered places. Here in New England, there are five different types of cockroaches that are commonly found, each of which we’ll touch on in this article. If you have any questions about cockroaches or are looking for a cockroach exterminator in Massachusetts or New Hampshire, please contact Absolut Pest Control today for a free estimate!
German Cockroach
German cockroaches are some of the most commonly found cockroaches in New England. German cockroaches are typically about ½” long, oval-shaped, and light brown in color. These cockroaches are not native to New England (or the United States in general), but have likely been here since the late 18th century. These cockroaches are highly allusive, and when an infestation begins, they often require professional extermination services to eradicate.
Brown-Banded Cockroach
Brown-banded cockroaches are another common cockroach species in the 6 New England states. Much like German cockroaches, brown-banded cockroaches are about ½” in length with brown, oval-shaped bodies. The easiest way to differentiate between these two cockroach species is that brown-banded cockroaches have two light brown-colored bands that wrap around their bodies. These cockroaches have been found in the USA since the early 1900s. Brown-banded cockroaches prefer warm environments, so you may find them in your home near appliances that give off heat.
Oriental Cockroach
Oriental cockroaches are larger and darker in color than the two above-mentioned roach species, as they are typically about 1” long and dark brown to black in color. These cockroaches prefer cooler, moist environments, so they are often found in drains, sewers, and under debris like wet leaves.
American Cockroach
American cockroaches are the largest cockroaches that are commonly found in New England, as they are typically at least 1 ½” long. These cockroaches are brownish-red in color with a light brown band behind their heads. Despite their name, American cockroaches are not native to the Americas; they are native to Africa and are believed to have been brought to the United States during the 1600s. Like oriental cockroaches, American cockroaches are often found in drains and sewers because they prefer dark, humid environments.
Smoky Brown Cockroach
Smokey brown cockroaches are a shiny, brownish-black roach species that are typically 1”-1 ½” in length. These cockroaches are often confused for American cockroaches because of their similar appearance, but smoky brown cockroaches do not have the light brown band behind their heads that American cockroaches do. Smoky brown cockroaches are most commonly found outdoors in leaf piles, mulch, and other dead organic matter.
Contact Absolut Pest Control For Cockroach Extermination Services!
If you have any questions about cockroaches or are currently experiencing a roach infestation at your Massachusetts or New Hampshire home or business, please contact our team at Absolut Pest Control today! We provide home and business owners in MA & NH with a wide range of affordable pest removal & extermination services! Get a free pest control estimate today by calling us at (978) 388-4589 or by filling out the contact form on our website!
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