New England’s Most Commonly Found Pests: Mice and Rats

You may try to create a welcoming home, but there are two types of guests that you want to stay away. You guessed it. Mice and rats. And here’s the bad news—the rat and mouse population is rising from coast to coast. So, if you have a problem with these vermin, know that you are not alone. But what do you do? How do you keep mice and rats away? It starts with understanding the different types and what is attracting them to your home in the first place. Because remember, where there is food and space to play, the rats and mice will stay. The list of mice and rat species in New England is extensive, so watch out for these most commonly found pests around your home.
House Mice
House mice are one of the most common species inside homes. They are small and adaptable and can survive on crumbs, grains, and pet food, so be sure not to leave anything accessible unattended. These mice are excellent climbers, making them difficult to keep out. Be sure to barricade entry points around doors, windows, and your home’s foundation to reduce their likeliness of venturing in.
Field Mice
Field mice are commonly found in meadows, forests, grassy areas, and any wooded domain but are primarily known to venture into homes, particularly in the year’s colder months, for warmth. These mice snack on seeds, berries, insects, and anything small that they can get their paws on. To reduce the risk of their entry and a critical infestation, focus on sealing up any small cracks in your home and clearing away vegetation close to your house to limit their access points.
White-footed Deer Mice
For obvious reasons, white-footed deer mice are named for their white feet and dark fur and are primarily nocturnal. They are known to be found in wooded or brushy areas but can also be found sneaking into garages, sheds, or attics through tiny openings late at night. The mice appetize on seeds, nuts, insects, berries, and fungi. Stay on your toes because these mice may carry diseases, making it critical to keep them out by trimming trees or bushes and removing food sources, like pet food or birdseed, from outdoor areas for safety precautions.
Eastern Mice
Eastern mice are primarily found throughout New Hampshire and are typically found in forests, agricultural lands, and open fields. However, as temperatures drop, they may look for warmth in your basement or attic. They eat a simple diet of seeds, grains, and fruits, so make sure that you store food properly in sealed containers and keep storage areas clean to avoid any attraction from these hungry rodents.
Brown Rats (Norway Rats)
Also known as the Norway rat, brown rats have a life expectancy of two years and are found in the most populated areas in the world, especially New England. They are often found in basements, crawl spaces, and sewers and feed on garbage and stored food, making them persistent pests. They have a reputation for damaging property, making them one of the most despised rodents around. To avoid brown rats, maintain a clean environment, secure your trash, and eliminate any standing water around your home to limit their food and water sources.
Black Rats (Roof Rats)
Black or roof rats are climbers that prefer moist and higher grounds. Similar to Norway rats, they can be found in attics, roofs, and trees. When they are not high up on roofs, they can be found in gardens feasting on fruits, vegetables, and grains. To avoid the risk of these rats taking up residence, plant trees away from your house, store food securely, and regularly inspect your roof for openings.
Call Absolut Pest Control
Are you worried about mice and rat infestations in your Massachusetts and New Hampshire homes? Absolut Pest Control offers the best pest removal and extermination services in New England at affordable prices. Make your rodent problem our rodent problem! Call (978) 388-4589 today or fill out our contact form on our website!
Why Do Mosquitoes Bite?

With the weather heating up here in New England, mosquitoes are becoming more and more prevalent every day. Mosquitoes are one of the most irritating pests in the summer, ruining barbecues, outdoor dining, hikes, swimming, and more. This leads to a common question: Why do mosquitoes bite and why are those bites so itchy? In this article, we’ll dive deep into these questions and give you the answers you need!
Why Do Mosquitoes Bite People?
The main reason a mosquito bites is to consume a person’s blood, which they then use to nourish their eggs. Because the protein is used for the insects’ eggs, only female mosquitoes bite, while male mosquitoes consume plant nectar. Studies have shown that some people are more likely to attract & be bitten by mosquitoes due to their body odor, clothes color, body heat, carbon dioxide production, and more. Some scientists believe that blood type may also play a role in how attractive you are to mosquitoes. While mosquito bites are typically harmless other than the irritation and inflammation they cause, some mosquitoes can spread dangerous diseases like West Nile virus, Malaria, Zika virus, and more.
Why Are Mosquito Bites So Itchy?
When a mosquito bites you, it pierces your skin with its long, straw-like mouth and probes around for a blood source. Once it finds a blood source, it will extract a small amount of blood from your skin. In the process, the mosquito leaves behind some of its own saliva. This saliva contains a protein that causes a reaction in your body and histamines to be released, which in turn causes inflammation and itchiness. The amount of histamine that’s released due to a mosquito bite varies depending on the person, making some people more sensitive to these bites. Some studies have shown that you can build a tolerance to mosquito bites if you’re constantly exposed to mosquitoes in the same region of the world, decreasing your immune system response over time.
Contact Absolut Pest Control!
If you have any questions about mosquitoes or need mosquito control services in Massachusetts or southern New Hampshire, Absolut Pest Control is here to help! Our pest control specialists have years of experience treating various pest problems, including insects, rodents, small mammals, birds, bats, and more! Contact us today by giving us a call at (978) 388-4589 or by filling out the contact form on our website!
How To Identify Different Types Of Spiders In Your Home

No one wants to see a spider crawling around their room. But spiders are very common pests and in fact, in many cases, they are actually beneficial. Spiders are in a sense, a form of pest control as they kill and eat other more dangerous pests like mosquitoes or carpenter ants. That being said, the type of spider has a lot to say about whether or not you should call pest control. Most common spiders that you would find in a New England home are not dangerous and the most the damage they can do is a simple bite. That being said we completely understand when homeowners ask us to help remove spiders from their home. Many people arachnophobia or simply do not want spider webs indoors.
How To Identify The Common House Spider
The most common spider you will find at home is the aptly named house spider. They are yellowish-brown in color and have V-shaped dark stripes. They are very small and are usually somewhere around 1/8 of an inch in size. House spiders are known for making webs around lights and upper corners of doorways. They tend to migrate around a home making a lot of webs to catch more prey. They usually won’t bite unless provoked and even if they do bite their bites rarely require any medical attention.
How To Identify Orb-Weavers
An orb weaver is another common spider species. It has a bright yellow stripe on its back and is known for weaving round webs. Similar to a house spider it will not bite unless provoked and even then the bite is relatively harmless and poses no permanent health threat. These spiders usually make their webs in trees, or in light fixtures, or any area where there are significant structures to support their three-dimensional web.
How To Identify Daddy-Long-Legs
Of all of the spider varieties, daddy-long-legs spiders are probably the easiest to visually identify. They are named after the fact that they have small bodies but extended legs. These spiders usually are found around barns and other wooden buildings as they tend to make their spiderwebs in dark and damp areas. There is a common story kids tell that daddy-long-legs are venomous but their mouths are not large enough to bite humans. In fact, there is no evidence that daddy-long-legs bites are at all poisonous.
Get Help With Spiders in The Greater Boston Area
Absolut Pest Control serves the Greater Boston area with a variety of pest control services. From taking care of large rodents to small insects, if you have a pest control problem, we have a pest control solution for you. We work with businesses as well as homeowners and can help with your spider problem. Simply give us a call or send us an online contact form.
How Often Should You Do Pest Control & Other Frequently Asked Questions
At Absolut Pest control there are a few questions we hear often. Everything from what the pest control process is like, what chemicals we use in fumigation, how long pest control takes, and almost any question about any particular pest. However, there are a few questions in particular that we would like to highlight in this FAQ guide to Pest Control.
How Often Should You Do Pest Control?
On average, treatment for pest control lasts two months. Which is why many pest control companies recommend quarterly visits for businesses and especially restaurants. This is known as preventative pest control and is generally recommended for businesses. For home pest control, it is recommended you have your home seen whenever you notice a pest or signs of a pest.
How Much Does Pest Control Cost
Generally speaking, pest control can range around a few hundred dollars. There are factors that increase pricing including products used and time commitment. However, compared to the damage pests can do to your home, and the diseases they spread, pest control is a much more cost-effective method of dealing with unwanted pests.
What Should I do Before Pest Control
Overall you want your home to be as clean as possible to help Pest Control experts do their job. Here are a few steps we recommend taking.
- Make sure all food is sealed
- If you own an aquarium or other animal enclosure, make sure it is covered tightly with plastic and that air pumps are off
- Close windows tightly
- Make sure that the Pest Control team has access to all areas of your home by unlocking doors
- Move couches and other furniture a foot away from walls to give the team more mobility
- If you have pets make sure that their food, toys, bedding, are all carefully stored to ensure they aren’t exposed to dangerous chemicals
How Long Does A Pest Control Take
Pest control efficacy varies from pest to pest. For instance, rodents and roaches can take two or three days after the initial treatment. However, most insects and pests are dealt with within the first week.
What Should You Do After A Pest Control Visit
After your home has been visited by pest control there are a few things you should be aware of for the first week.
- Avoid cleaning for the first week, your pest control specialist will tell you when it is safe to clean
- Handle any home repairs. Pest Control experts usually recommend various home repairs that can lower the chances of reinfestation including fixing leaking gutters and pipes or fixing window screens.
- Monitor for pests. Continue to check for pests around your home to make sure you are protected from reinfestation
Contact Absolut Pest Control
If you live in Massachusetts and have a pest problem, or have more questions about pest control, give us a call or contact us via our online contact form.
How to Keep Pests Out of an Apartment
If you are an apartment resident, you know the importance of making your space truly feel like a home. Your sanctuary, however, can be interrupted with the arrival of pests, such as ants, mice, or roaches. Whether you are currently dealing with some type of insect or vermin infestation or you just want to avoid one in the future, you will benefit from reading this guide. The next section showcases several great tips that will help you prevent pests in your apartment home.
Keep your kitchen area very clean
Food particles are one of the main things pests are attracted to. Even dirty dishes left in the sink overnight or crumbs that fall onto the counter can lead to a pest problem. The cleaner you keep your kitchen, the less likely you are to have a rodent or insect infestation. Make sure you always do your dishes (or load your dishwasher) before you go to bed, wipe down countertops, and clean any spills immediately. This will go a long way toward preventing pests.
Eliminate clutter
Because apartment units are generally smaller than single-family homes, it tends to be easier for clutter to amass on tabletops and in closets, simply because there is nowhere else for it to go. In order to avoid pests, however, you need to eliminate clutter from your living area. Stacks of papers, piles of clothes, and even bunched up linens can all serve as nests for mice and bugs. The more organized you keep your apartment, the less likely it is that you will ever experience a pest problem.
Be aware of common hallways
Because the hallway outside of your apartment door is a common space, it’s important to pay attention to how clean it is kept. If, for example, you notice that someone in your hall regularly leaves bags of trash outside the door before taking them outside to the dumpster, you might want to speak to management. Things like this can ultimately lead to pest problems for everyone who resides in the immediate vicinity.
Use bug spray
This tip is especially important if you live on the ground floor of your apartment building. Periodically, spray the bug spray of your choice (there are many non-toxic choices available now) along your baseboards, around your windows, and under your doors. This is a good way to prevent unwanted pests from entering your home.
Contact Absolut Pest control today!
If you already have a pest problem, call your apartment’s management office first to find out if they will take care of the issue. If you are on your own, give a reliable pest prevention company a call.
Common Winter Pests
As wintertime approaches, all of the pests that made their home in your backyard or neighborhood all spring, summer, and fall will be looking for someplace warmer to go. If you aren’t careful, that could be your home! Check out our list to learn about the most common wintertime pests, and why it’s important to deal with them sooner than later!
Any homeowner with a chimney can attest to this; if you don’t put a chimney cap on it, you will most certainly have a bat or bird in the house at some point. Bats and birds, both warm-blooded animals, will try to squeeze into any nook or cranny in your home to stay warm in the winter time. It could be your chimney or attic, but it could also be inside a mounted exterior light. Be sure that your roof area is sealed to keep these flying pests out.
Probably the most common wintertime pest, mice and rats need a minuscule opening to find their way into your home. Just as with bats and birds, it is important to prevent these pests from coming into your home by blocking off potential points of entry. If they have already managed to find their way inside, then your best bet, short of hiring an exterminator, is to make sure all food and water is stored securely. If they cannot find a consistent food source, they may move on from your home.
Just like Mice and Rats, Squirrels and Chipmunks will look for a warm, dry place to go in the winter time and that may just be your attic. While chipmunks tend to build underground nests, if they can find a way into your attic, they will most certainly take a warm, convenient option instead of digging a burrow. Be sure to cap your chimneys, check your fascia boards and rakes for any structural damage, and clear away any large shrubs or branches from near your home. This will discourage the pests from taking up residence.
These pests, in addition to a variety of bugs, like fleas or bedbugs, should be dealt with as soon as they are discovered. All of these pests can carry diseases and, in the case of rats and mice, are likely to leave a mess in your home from digging through your cabinets and leaving behind droppings. You should attempt to deal with a pest problem as soon as its discovered, as leaving it for another day could leave you with an infestation. That is why you should contact Absolut Pest Control today for more information about us and our available services.
Fall Pests: Bees
As the summer starts to wind down and the colder weather begins to roll in, you may start to notice that the bees surrounding your home have started to find their way inside. Many worker bees are out in large numbers in desperate search of a place to call home for the winter. Despite this, many will eventually fall victim to the cold and die. But this is not true for every bee. Many individuals, including the queen, will find a place to shelter them for the winter. A common place for this to happen is inside of residential homes, specifically the attic. If homeowners do not take preventive measures a queen be can make herself at home in this upper level of your home. Similar to the inside of a hollow tree, the devoid areas inside of your home’s walls are the perfect site for bees to set up shop. This nesting site does not have to be near the entrance point either as nests are often found a ways away from where the insects enter the wall.
What To Do
Individuals who believe they be in this situation want to handle the issue before it becomes a serious problem. This is because the longer you wait to take care of the problem, the more defensive the bees will become as they get progressively more used to their new home, leading to heightened chances of stinging accidents. The best route to take if you find yourself in this situation is to contact a professional like those at Absolut Pest Control.
Transporting Bees
Although salvaging some colonies is not realistic, quite often professionals with the experience and know how can safely transport a bee colony from your home to somewhere they will thrive without the chance of disturbing other humans. It is important that you understand any cleanup or repair needs that will follow the removal process as well.
If you find that it is not possible for a professional to safetly remove the bees from the premises then the recommended course of action is to exterminate the colony. This is generally recommended if the hives are too close to everyday activity as it can quickly become a problem for those around the house.
Contact Absolut Pest Control For All of Your Bee Control Needs!
If you are having trouble with bees inside of your home this Fall, be sure to contact the professionals at Absolut Pest Control! We will be sure to take care of any problems you have regarding bees once and for all, reach out today!
Preventing Fall Pests
In addition to colorful leaves and warm apple cider, Fall brings about the beginning of the year’s cold weather and due to this, many pests start to search for a place to keep warm. For this reason, pest-proofing your home is crucial before the fall months arrive in order to keep these pests from turning your home into an animal hotel. Individuals may think that this animal hanging around may not be that big of a deal. Although, this is far from true. Mice, rats, and other rodents can spread germs, bacteria, and disease around your property. This can cause you as well as members of your family to fall sick. On top of increasing the spread of germs, pests that last over the winter can also cause severe damage to homes such as chewing electrical wires and leaving dropping within insulation. This is why it is vital to take steps to ensure that pests will not settle in or around your home such as:
- Keep food in airtight packaging
- Repair screens that are damaged
- When not using garage door keep closed
- Be sure trash is in sealed container and taken out regularly
In addition to taking these steps, it is also very important to understand exactly what to keep an eye out for as well. There are a variety of pests located within the New England states, but these are the most common:
Just like other cities around the world, Boston is home to an increasingly large number of rats and mice. These animals are constantly on the search for food which leads them inside buildings on a regular basis. This is made possible thanks to their ability to squeeze through incredibly tiny holes that homeowners often overlook due to their small size. For this reason, it is important to keep indoor clutter to a minimum so that rodents and their entryways can be easily identified.
In terms of identifying an infestation, Bees are one of the easiest to address. The reason for this is that not only are they found in large numbers but they also are quite noisy and often simple to spot. Many species of bees will actually make their nests inside the walls of your home or even inside an attic or basement.
Contact Aboslut Pest Control today for all of your pest removal needs!
Here at Absolut Pest Control, our specialists can help you prepare your home this fall by making sure that it is pest free. Take care of your pest problem today by calling the professionals Absolut Pest Control at 978-388-4589!
How to Keep Rodents out of Your Home This Winter
Since Winter has officially arrived, temperatures will start dropping which will lead to all kinds of rodents scurrying somewhere to keep warm. With a house being the perfect target for rodents looking to keep warm, it’s important that you take the right steps to prevent that from happening.
- Inspect all the doors and windows in your home. Look for any cracks, crevices, gaps, and tiny openings that mice or rats could enter through. To prevent rodents from entering your home make sure you fill any cracks, gaps and holes in windows and around your home to keep out unwanted guests.
- With your trash cans, make sure the trash lids are secured tightly to help prevent rodents from reaching the contents. Also, when your trash is outside, keep it far away from any windows or doors that lead into your home.
- Clean your home regularly, make sure you wipe down your counters, vacuum regularly, and alway put your dishes away in the cabinets.
- Make sure you inspect your pipes for leaking in areas like the garage, attic, or basement where moisture gathers. Pests like flies, roaches, moths, and rats are drawn to humid or wet areas.
- Trim any tree limbs close to your home to prevent any rodents, especially rats from climbing into the upper areas of your home.
If you need any rodent control for your home, contact Absolut Pest Control today at 978.388.4589 or fill out our contact form!
Dangers of Bees Around Your Home
Bee Control
Bees are an important part of the world’s ecosystem but it can be considered dangerous to let a bee hive thrive near your home. Bees are generally less destructive than rats or termites, however, it’s still an inconvenience to have bees surrounding your home. They are usually more noticeable in the spring but still have a presence throughout the summer and into the fall.
The dangers of bees around your home:
- Bee Stings: When a bee stings a person, it can cause pain and swelling in the area of where the sting occurred.
- Bee Allergies: Bee stings are very dangerous for people who have a b
ee allergy. Symptoms of bee stings can result in pain and swelling, nausea and vomiting, and closing of the throat.
- Bee Aggression: If bees feel their hive or colony is being threatened or in danger they will sting you. In warm weather, bees also tend to get more aggressive so make sure you keep your distance.
For safety purposes, the best way to take care of your bee problem is to contact a pest control expert. For more information on bee control, contact Absolut Pest Control at 978.388.4589 or fill out our contact form online!