How To Identify Different Types Of Spiders In Your Home
No one wants to see a spider crawling around their room. But spiders are very common pests and in fact, in many cases, they are actually beneficial. Spiders are in a sense, a form of pest control as they kill and eat other more dangerous pests like mosquitoes or carpenter ants. That being said, the type of spider has a lot to say about whether or not you should call pest control. Most common spiders that you would find in a New England home are not dangerous and the most the damage they can do is a simple bite. That being said we completely understand when homeowners ask us to help remove spiders from their home. Many people arachnophobia or simply do not want spider webs indoors.
How To Identify The Common House Spider
The most common spider you will find at home is the aptly named house spider. They are yellowish-brown in color and have V-shaped dark stripes. They are very small and are usually somewhere around 1/8 of an inch in size. House spiders are known for making webs around lights and upper corners of doorways. They tend to migrate around a home making a lot of webs to catch more prey. They usually won’t bite unless provoked and even if they do bite their bites rarely require any medical attention.
How To Identify Orb-Weavers
An orb weaver is another common spider species. It has a bright yellow stripe on its back and is known for weaving round webs. Similar to a house spider it will not bite unless provoked and even then the bite is relatively harmless and poses no permanent health threat. These spiders usually make their webs in trees, or in light fixtures, or any area where there are significant structures to support their three-dimensional web.
How To Identify Daddy-Long-Legs
Of all of the spider varieties, daddy-long-legs spiders are probably the easiest to visually identify. They are named after the fact that they have small bodies but extended legs. These spiders usually are found around barns and other wooden buildings as they tend to make their spiderwebs in dark and damp areas. There is a common story kids tell that daddy-long-legs are venomous but their mouths are not large enough to bite humans. In fact, there is no evidence that daddy-long-legs bites are at all poisonous.
Get Help With Spiders in The Greater Boston Area
Absolut Pest Control serves the Greater Boston area with a variety of pest control services. From taking care of large rodents to small insects, if you have a pest control problem, we have a pest control solution for you. We work with businesses as well as homeowners and can help with your spider problem. Simply give us a call or send us an online contact form.
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