How to Manage Squirrel Infestation This Winter
As adorable as they may look, your home’s last need is a squirrel infestation. Winter is upon us, so squirrels will search for a temporary home to hibernate during the year’s cold months. Trust us, you do not want squirrels hibernating in your home. Luckily, Absolut Pest Control has assembled several removal strategies and prevention tips moving forward to make your home squirrel-free this winter.
How Did They Get Here?
Aside from hunting for acorns, squirrels seek warmth and a place to spend the winter. Just like rats and mice, squirrels enter homes through easy access points scattered around your home. These clever critters can make their way through the smallest openings and cracks in places you would least suspect.
Lookout For These Signs
If you are unsure whether your home has a squirrel infestation problem, several signs can provide the answer.
- Sounds of scurrying, scratching, and chewing from the attic, chimney, ceiling, floors, and walls
- Damaged wood, insulation, and air vents
- Insulation-made nests
- Stockpile of acorns in the attic or ceiling
- Reeking odors of feces and urine
- Footprints in the snow around entry points
Removing Squirrels in the House
A squirrel’s instinct is to exit a house when it finds itself in an unfamiliar place, like an open room or a chimney, especially when too much human activity is happening. The best solution is to make an easy exit for the squirrel by closing doors that lead to other parts of your home but opening doors and windows that lead to outside. Make sure you remove any food lying around along with any pets which could potentially distract the squirrel. Finally, you will want to remove yourself from the home so the little critter can find his way out.
Removing Squirrels in the Attic
If you find yourself with squirrels in your attic, the primary solution is to frighten them immediately with loud noises. Try tapping loudly on the ceiling where your attic is located, hit pots and pans together, or even turn on a speaker and turn the music up to the max! Squirrels are sensitive rodents, so if that strategy still doesn’t work, try shining bright lights into the attic and leaving them on throughout the day and night.
Squirrel Prevention Moving Forward
Once the squirrels are finally gone, it’s essential to turn back and block off the areas that allowed those sneaky critters to enter. Make sure that every small cack and entryway is completely sealed, and also keep a close eye on footprints near the roof and nests in the attic. Moving forward, keeping all doors closed and placing a cap on chimneys when they are not used to limit the chances of furry intruders arriving again is also essential.
Contact Absolut Pest Control
If you are struggling with squirrel infestation in your home, contact Absolut Pest Control immediately! We proudly serve home and business owners with the best affordable extermination and removal services in Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire. Get your free estimate today by calling (978)388-4589 or filling out our contact form!
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