6 Signs of Bats in Your Attic

Winter is a typical time for bats to arrive unexpectedly in your attic. These flying creatures are no friend of ours, considering they contain dangerous diseases that can negatively affect our well-being. It’s essential to check your attic this winter regularly, so be on the lookout for these 5 signs!
Bat Droppings
One of the most apparent signs of bat infestation is their droppings! If you notice random and excessive droppings around your home’s areas like decks, porches, and window sills, there is a high chance it came from bats.
Squeaky Sounds
Bats have distinctive noises, unlike any other animal. The noises are squeaky and high-pitched and usually occur late at night. Bats communicate with one another by making squeaky noises, which is a burden to homeowners. Bats can also communicate with their high-pitched sounds to navigate areas of a home in desire for food.
Black/Brown Stains
For those who don’t know, bats have a layer of grease on their coats, which can leave stain marks on specific areas of a home, especially entry points. If you ever notice random black or brown stains laminated around your home, you most likely are facing a bat infestation! Don’t worry; the stains are not permanent and can be easily removed. It’s vital to sterilize the area as soon as possible!
Scratch Marks
If you notice excessive scratch marks on your walls, there’s a good chance it came from bats. These flying creatures are known for scurrying around attics and causing severe damage to walls, which can lead to hundreds of dollars worth of damage.
Ammonia Smells
The scent of ammonia is also a strong indicator of bats residing in your attic. This smell is derived from piled-up bat leaves that contain a powerful and distinctive odor. You must eliminate this foul smell at once before it increases! Next time you are in your attic, be on the lookout for massive amounts of bat droppings!
Dead Bats
The most obvious sign of Bats residing in your attic is coming across deceased ones around your property. Seeing excessive amounts of deceased bats is a dead giveaway that your home faces a serious bat infestation problem. Just like every deceased animal, a foul and dominant smell will arrive immediately, so it is critical that you contact professional help like Absolut Pest Control for removal as soon as possible before the situation worsens!
Contact Absolut Pest Control
If your home is facing a bat infestation, contact Absolut Pest Control immediately! Our experts have extensive knowledge and years of experience dealing with these flying creatures. Make the first step by calling (978)388-4589 or filling out our contact form.
How To Bat-Proof Your Attic

Bats commonly live in attics because they are dark, warm, safe places where they can roost, much like their natural habitats: caves. The problem with bats living in your attic is that they can be unsanitary, especially in large numbers, spreading diseases and foul smells throughout your house. If you’ve dealt with bats in your attic in the past or currently have bats living in your attic, you’re probably wondering how to keep them out! In this article, we’ll talk about how bats get into attics in the first place and offer you some tips on how you can keep them out for good! If you have any questions about bat control or need assistance getting bats out of your attic in Massachusetts or New Hampshire, please contact our team at Absolut Pest Control today!
How Did Bats Get Into My Attic?
Before we discuss how to keep bats out of your attic, it’s important to know how they typically enter in the first place. Bats are small, stealthy creatures, so they can enter attics through tiny cracks and crevices. Some of the most common entry points that bats use to get inside attics include gaps in roofing tiles, loose vents, cracks in siding, and even chimneys. Bats can also squeeze through damaged window screens or spaces around attic fans. Bats are naturally drawn to dark, quiet areas that offer shelter, and your attic can seem like the perfect cozy hideaway. Once they discover a way in, they often return again and again, bringing their friends along, too. Identifying and sealing these potential entry points is the first step in bat-proofing your attic!
How To Keep Bats Out For Good
Below are some tips on how you can keep bats out of your house’s attic:
- Find Entry Points: Bats can sneak in through the tiniest gaps, so start by inspecting your roof, vents, windows, and any other possible openings. Keep an eye out for cracks and holes, especially near the roofline.
- Seal Them Up: Once you’ve identified possible entry points, it’s time to close them off. Use caulking, mesh, or other appropriate materials to block any potential bat entrances.
- Install One Way Doors: Installing one-way doors in your attic, which are sometimes referred to as bat-exclusion devices, will let bats get out of your attic but won’t let them back in.
- Let There Be Light: Bats love dark spaces, so increasing the lighting in your attic can make it far less appealing for them. A well-lit space will send bats searching for a darker hangout spot.
- Call A Professional: If you’re struggling to either get bats out of your attic in the first place or keep them out permanently, the best thing to do is call a professional pest control company who offers bat removal services! For a free estimate on a bat removal service in Massachusetts or New Hampshire, please contact our team at Absolut Pest Control!
Contact Absolut Pest Control!
If you have any questions about bats or are currently struggling with a bat problem in your Massachusetts or New Hampshire home, please contact our team at Absolut Pest Control today! We provide home and business owners in Massachusetts & Southern New Hampshire with a wide range of affordable pest removal & extermination services! Get a free pest control estimate today by calling us at (978) 388-4589 or by filling out the contact form on our website!
Laws & Regulations For Bat Control In Massachusetts

Bats commonly make their homes in the attics of homes in Massachusetts because they are safe, dark places where these flying mammals can seek shelter. Bats can enter your attic through a hole, crack, or vent opening that is only about a half inch in diameter. The biggest problem with controlling the bat(s) in your home is that they are protected by Massachusetts law and can not be killed or captured, except under permit. Massachusetts has these laws & regulations regarding bat control because bats are beneficial to our ecosystem for several reasons. In this article, we’ll dive deeper into why bats are protected, what the laws & regulations are regarding bat control, and how you can safely & legally deal with them when they are in your home! If you have any questions about bat control or are looking for professional bat control solutions in Massachusetts, please contact our team at Absolut Pest Control today!
Why Are Bats Beneficial To The Ecosystem?
While bats are often thought of as creepy, vampire-like creatures, they are actually extremely important parts of our ecosystem for several reasons. One reason that bats are crucial to our ecosystem is that they are pollinators. Bats feed on the nectar inside flowers, and as they move between flowers, they pick up pollen and distribute it to other flowers. Without the pollination provided by bats, many different kinds of plant species would slowly die out. Bats are also crucial to our ecosystem because they eat mosquitos, beetles, moths, and many other insects. Due to the fact that they eat so many of these potentially harmful insects, bats reduce the need for chemical pesticides.
Massachusetts Laws & Regulations Regarding Bat Control
In accordance with the Massachusetts Homeowners Guide to Bats from Mass.gov, “Bats are protected by law in Massachusetts and may not be killed or captured, except under permit when they are creating a risk to public health or when they are damaging property.” This means that it is illegal to deal with bats in your home using lethal methods like traps. Instead, if you are dealing with a single bat, Mass.gov recommends opening a window or door so the bat can fly out of your home. If you discover a colony of bats (10 or more bats) in your attic or other area in your home, you should report the colony to Massachusetts and contact a pest control professional. According to Massachusetts law, bat colony evictions should be done using the installation of 1-way doors and can only be performed during the early spring or late summer. This is because bat colony evictions must be done before maternity season when mothers have their pups or after the pups have learned to fly and can leave the roost.
Contact Absolut Pest Control!
If you are dealing with a bat problem in your Massachusetts home, the best way to deal with it is to contact a pest control professional. Our team at Absolut Pest Control has years of experience dealing with a wide variety of pests, including bats, insects, rodents, birds, small mammals, and much more! Contact us today by giving us a call at (978) 388-4589 or by filling out the contact form on our website!
How To Get Bats Out Of Your Attic

Bats often take up residency in the attics of older houses because they look for homes in compact, dark places. Bats only need a hole or crack with about an inch diameter to squeeze in, so older homes are often the ones that give them access through chimneys, vents, siding, or other openings. Bat problems should always be dealt with by a professional pest control company because they are essential to our environment and are illegal to kill in most states, including Massachusetts. Bats are extremely important to the environment because they control the insect population, some bats eating several thousand bugs per night.
Why Get Rid Of Bats?
Bats usually do not cause any problems to the people whose house they are living in because they rarely make noise and are usually found in rooms, like attics and crawl spaces, that humans don’t use very often. In fact, most people with bats in their home have no idea that the winged creatures are in there. Bats can, however, become a problem when a large colony of them move into your attic and begin making lots of noise. Bats can also give an unpleasant odor to the home they are staying in. Bats also carry diseases sometimes, like rabies and viruses similar to SARs and COVID. When these sorts of bat problems arise, be sure to call a qualified pest control specialist like Absolut Pest Control.
Tips On Getting Rid Of Bats
As we said above, the best way to get bats out of your home in an ethical and legal manner is by calling a pest control specialist who can both remove the bats safely and show you where they have been coming in and out of. However, there are a few things you can do for do-it-yourself bat control. One way to lure bats out of your home is by installing bat-houses outside your house. Like birds, bats will be attracted to houses built for them because they like living in compact shelters off the ground so they can stay away from predators and the elements. Another way to get bats out of your house is by removing all still-standing water from the area. Not only do bats drink from this water, but they hunt insects that lay their eggs in stagnant water like mosquitoes. Make sure you get rid of or constantly change the water in bird baths, outdoor water bowls for pets, trash cans, and buckets. You should also clear debris out of gutters and drains that may be causing water build up.
Contact Absolut Pest Control
If you’re in the greater Boston or north shore area of Massachusetts and have a bat (or any other pest) problem, Absolut Pest Control has the solution! Give us a call at (978) 388-4589 or fill out the contact form on our website!
When Should You Call Pest Control?

The mere presence of a single pest may make you uncomfortable or concerned, especially depending on the type of pest or the sort of damage it causes. Some pest issues you can handle on your own with a little know-how or an instructional guide on the web. Other cases require expert help to remedy the problem and give you some peace of mind. Often, homeowners and renters waste time and money on insufficient traps, baits, and other at-home solutions. In the long run, it could save you money on repairs needed to fix damages caused by nuisance pests. When should you actually call pest control? Here’s a look at when’s a good time to give your local pest control company a call.
Seeing Pests Around
Seeing isn’t believing, it’s knowing. Sightings of pests on your property are a clear sign that you have unwanted guests around. If you spot one rat, for example, likely, there are more around for you to deal with. Some pests like ants and termites create a colony which is an indication of an infestation. A single pest sighting should give you cause for concern and compel you to investigate further to know the extent of the pest infestation. You may need expert help and pest- control professionals can determine the kind of solution that you need. Many homeowners are dismayed that even after a storebought trap successfully catches one mouse, the sounds of mice in the walls or the sight of them scurrying across the floor doesn’t immediately go away.
Pest Droppings and Urine
Maybe you’ve come across what looks like urine and droppings in your attic or basement. You might not be able to identify what type of pest did it, but you know it’s a sign of trouble to come. Pest droppings are a health hazard for you and your family, especially those with allergies. Droppings contain plenty of bacteria and viruses that can spread illnesses, from salmonella to murine typhus. Pests are nuisances that you should never tolerate in your home and ignoring them can be perilous for you. For this reason, you want to get rid of pests at the first sign of their existence.
Damage to Your Property
Have you noticed gnawing marks on your walls or furniture? Maybe you’ve seen claw marks in your attic or holes chewed in your siding. Some pests can be destructive and cost you money in property damage. Squirrels, for example, are believed to be the source of 25% of house fires. Rodents are known to gnaw on wires that can lead to electrical fires and other pests, like termites can inflict damage to the structural integrity of your home. The last thing that you want is for your pest problem to get out of control.
Scratching and Rustling Noise
Does hearing scratches or rustling sounds while doing house chores cause you to pause? Trying to figure out what it could be? It’s not likely to be paranormal activity. What it may turn out to be could be much worse- a pest invasion. Scampering across your floors, for example, is usually a sign that mice are present. Get professionals to check it out if you can’t access the location the noise is coming from or are scared. If pests are around, it’s in your best interest to have them removed asap.
Contact Absolut Pest Control For Services in Amesbury
Absolut Pest Control is a great pest control company that can provide you with expert solutions. We are equipped to provide the first line of defense against the pesky invaders that want to take over your home. Call or send a message to our team to speak to our pest control expert and to get a quote today.
Pest Control Services During COVID19

With the recent COVID19 outbreak in America, non-essential businesses have closed throughout Massachusetts as per a recent message from Governor Charlie Baker. A large majority of the workforce is working from home. During this extended time at home, pest control services are an important consideration every homeowner and business owner should think about.
Pest Control For Closing Businesses
When a building is uninhabited for an extended duration of time (i.e. vacation or a seasonal business closing) there can be issues with pests. Both rodents and insects are more likely to infest an unoccupied building compared to an occupied one. If you are switching to a work from home schedule and will be leaving your office building unattended consider hiring a pest control service to make routine checks or to provide preventative maintenance tips. This is especially true for restaurants and other food services. With so many restaurants closing throughout Boston and Massachusetts, it is important to take time to secure all non-perishable foods and properly dispose of perishable foods. The team at Absolut Pest Control can help make recommendations to shore up your security while you are gone. We provide preventative pest control services where we will inspect a building for any potential weaknesses that may lead to pest problems in the future.
Pest Control For Work From Home Families
As more and more workers adjust to work from home life, it becomes more important to make sure that you take proper pest control precautions. Spring is upon us, and like many seasonal changes, this brings unique pest problems. Beehives, wasps, yellow jackets, mosquitos, and other pests will become more prevalent. Many homeowners will also have to deal with nesting birds or rodents around their property. If you need pest control services, the team at Absolut Pest Control can help. Our team of licensed pest control professionals can provide you with pest solutions and help remove any hives or nests from the outside of your property. Just give us a call, and a member of our team can help.
Questions? Send us a message!
During this COVID19 outbreak, we are getting many questions from homeowners about our pest control services. If you have a question about any of our pest control solutions, send us a message. We would love to help you with any pest problem you are having on your property. We also offer general pest inspections for apartment buildings and office buildings that may need extra protection this season.
Preparing for Autumn: Bat Proofing
What is Bat Proofing?
As August comes to a close, it is the perfect time for individuals to start bat proofing their homes as summer is often too early and the winter is far too late. The term bat proofing sounds a lot more complicated than it actually is as the process is simply identifying and dressing any openings that get into the house. Since these animals are very small, some can fit into holes as tiny as a quarter inch although the large brown bat requires something bigger. These holes act as their doorway in an out of your house during their times of travel. Bats tend to leave the home at dusk only to return before daytime returns.
Bat Proofing Steps
Although it is best to be proactive in order to prevent the need for these practices in the first place. Homeowners can use items such as mothballs to deter bats from colonizing in the home and it is even suggested that putting fiberglass insulation in at their areas of interest will keep bat families away. But If you notice bats coming to and from your house and are afraid that you could already have a colony in your home, locating the entry point is something that should be your top priority. Any small gap, such as where conduit enters the house, chimney flashing, ridge vents, window and door flashing, and areas around the roof line should be sealed immediately with material including. sheet metal, pieces of wood, just buttoning up the siding, a long-lasting caulking, expandable foams, and stainless-steel screening. If you plan to complete this project on your own, many experts suggest waiting until the end of August, so baby bats grow large enough to be capable of flight. That way, when holes are sealed there no baby bats remaining in the house. But it is best to call in an expert to take care of the job themselves as soon as possible if actual removal is needed as having a bat family in your home, even just the attic, can lead to issues such as staining and odor problems which are difficult to remove as well as disease causing to humans. In addition to this, bats are a protected species so it is required that a trained professional such as the ones at Absolut Pest Control help you take care of the issue once and for all as well as prevent any harm from happening to the animals.
Contact Aboslut Pest Control today for all of your bat removal needs!
Here at Absolut Pest Control, our specialists are trained in taking care of not only bat removal services but also repairs to make sure that they can never ever reenter your home. Take care of your bat problem today by contacting us now or calling the professionals, Absolut Pest Control, at 978-388-4589!