Tips On Keeping Rodents Away From Your Boston Area Home
If you’re having rat or other rodent problems at your Greater Boston area home or building, you’re not alone! According to WBUR, rat and rodent complaints are up 48% from 2019 to 2021, according to the city of Boston’s 311 data. For this reason, cities, towns, and homeowners are scrambling to find an effective solution for the rodent problems that are affecting their residents. In this article, we’ll go over some tips & tricks on how you can keep rodents away from your home this fall and winter!
Seal & Secure Your Garbage
One of the primary reasons that rats, mice, and other rodents will be on your property is that they have access to trash and food scraps. In order to prevent this, you should make sure that all your trash is stored in tightly sealed trash bins, whether it be on the curb or in your home. Additionally, you should be vigilant about eliminating other food sources that may attract rodents by storing food in air-tight containers, rodent-proofing your garden, picking up any fruit in your yard that has fallen from trees, and avoiding bird feeders.
Seal All Cracks Or Holes In Your Home
Did you know that rodents can squeeze through cracks and holes that are only the size of a dime? These minuscule holes & cracks are one of the primary ways that a rodent can enter your home. To prevent this, be sure to seal any cracks or holes in your home that are larger than a dime or gaps under doors that are greater than a quarter inch. Additionally, you should replace loose mortar, weather stripping, and damaged screens around the foundation of your home and windows. Sealing off your home to rodents is especially important during the fall & winter when rodents are looking for a warm place to shelter during the colder months!
Stay Clean & Organized
Mice, rats, and other rodents love a messy home! Be sure to clean surfaces regularly, especially in your kitchen and dining areas. Additionally, you should always store food in organized, sealed containers. Clutter in your home can allow rodents to move through your home undetected and may prevent you from noticing evidence of an infestation!
Contact Absolut Pest Control!
The best way to solve & prevent rodent infestations is to hire a local pest control professional! Absolut Pest Control provides the Greater Boston region with pest control & removal services for a wide variety of pests, including mice, rats, other rodents, insects, bats, birds, termites, small mammals, and much more! Give us a call today at (978) 388-4589 or fill out the contact form on our website, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!
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