Tips On Getting Stink Bugs Out Of Your Home

Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs – more commonly known as just stink bugs – are native to eastern Asia but were unknowingly introduced into the United States ecosystem at some point in the mid-1990s. Stink bugs often begin to creep into homes in Massachusetts when the weather starts to get chillier in the fall and early winter. Stink bugs can be seriously annoying because they reproduce quickly and can seemingly appear in your home out of nowhere. Stink bugs also give off a foul smell when they’re killed, hence their name. For this reason, you may want to consider removing them from your home with alternate strategies. Absolut Pest Control provides southern New Hampshire and greater Boston with professional pest control services, including stink bug removal and prevention!
How To Remove Stink Bugs From Your House
While stink bugs can be an extreme annoyance because of the odor they give off, the good news is that they’re relatively easy to catch. Stink bugs fly rather quickly, but when crawling, they’re quite slow. If you notice one or many stink bugs inside your home, avoid touching or squishing them because they give off a terrible smell when they die. Instead, grab them gently with a plastic bag or trap them in a cup, then take them outside to dispose of them or set them free. If you notice them on the floor or on a carpet, you can vacuum them up, then empty your vacuum cleaner into an outdoor trash can. However, like with most pests, the best way to get rid of all your stink bugs and make sure they’re gone for good is to hire a pest control professional!
How To Prevent Stink Bugs From Getting Inside Your Home
Once you’ve gotten rid of the stink bugs that were already inside your home, it’s essential to prevent more from coming in. One way you can prevent stink bugs from entering your home is by going around the exterior of your house and sealing up any cracks in your screens, windows, and siding. Another strategy for preventing stink bugs is to coat your home’s entryways in an odor-free insect repellent. As always, if you’re worried about stink bugs or any other bugs entering your home, you should hire a pest control professional who will get the job done right!
Contact Absolut Pest Control!
If you have any questions about our pest control services or need pest control at your home, please don’t hesitate to contact us! Give us a call at (978) 388-4589 or fill out the contact form on our website, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!
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