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Winter Pest Control Tips

It is December in New England. We have a few snowfalls, families are getting ready for the holiday season, and if you have made it this far without turning your heat on you are a true New Englander. As it continues to get colder and colder outside of your home, pests and especially rodents will be looking for any home to make their own for the next few months. Compared to finding shelter in the wilderness, your home or commercial property is very preferred. There is heat, access to food, and cable. Although they probably don’t care about that last one. Regardless, you will want to do whatever you can to keep pests and rodents from entering your home and setting up camp.

Preventing Mice & Rats From Eating Your Food This Winter

The goal of preventing rodents from entering your home this winter is to make sure you do whatever you can to not make your home appealing to them in the first place. That doesn’t mean not having your heat on. Instead, you need to do whatever you can to keep food out of their hands. First off we recommend storing all of your food in airtight plastic containers. Trash should not be left uncovered and should be taken out frequently to avoid attracting rats, mice, or raccoons. And of course, you should periodically clean your kitchen and bedrooms with vacuum cleaners to collect food crumbs and debris.

Schedule A Winter Pest Control Inspection

Another important tactic for winter pest control is to have professionals survey your property. If you have had issues with rodents in the past, you should hire a pest control team to get to the bottom of how they are getting into your home. Pest Control experts know where to look and what to look for to find entry points. With some simple carpentry, you can limit the ease of entrance for pests coming into your home.

What To Do When You See Pests In Your Home

If there is a rodent in your home, do not rely on store-bought traps. Many of those traps can be ineffective and cleaning up after them can be a hassle. Instead, hire a pest control team to remove the rodents and find the issues that led to the infestation in the first place. Simply getting rid of one rodent at a time is not an effective way to deal with rodents longterm.

Contact Absolut Pest Control

For homes and businesses throughout Eastern Massachusetts, there is one name in Pest Control everyone trusts: Absolut Pest Control. Give us a call to discuss a pest control inspection or the removal of a rodent or other issue.

Tips For Dealing With Raccoons

Raccoon eating garbage

At best raccoons can be an annoying nuisance: getting into the trash, destroying patio furniture, or harassing outdoor pets. At worst, a raccoon can get stuck in your home and nest, and attack members of your family and destroy parts of your home. Getting rid of raccoons can be a hassle and although there are DIY methods for raccoon control, it is always recommended that you contact a local pest control professional. But before you worry about raccoons, there are a few ways to prevent a raccoon problem in the first place.

Keep Raccoons Out Of The Home

When it comes to raccoons, it is preferred that they stay outdoors. Raccoons like to nest, especially in colder months. Because of that, it is important to limit the possibility of raccoons getting into your home. Luckily, raccoons are much larger than rodents or insects, This means it is unlikely that they will be able to enter your home through the same small holes that other pests do. Raccoons generally try to get into attics and basements. To avoid this make sure all windows and doorways are secure. Be aware of tree branches that can make it easy for raccoons to get to the roof. Generally, your tree branches should end five feet away from the home. Make sure your chimney has a cover and screen to protect it from raccoon invasion.

Do Not Provide Food To Raccoons

The most likely reason you have a raccoon problem is that you (or your neighbor) makes it easy for raccoons to get a meal on your property. Although it can be tempting to put your trash out the night before garbage day, waking up early to take the trash out can prevent raccoons from moving to your property. Limiting food options outdoors will decrease the chances of raccoons. That is why it is also important to make sure any outdoor eating areas on porches, decks, and patios, are properly cleaned after use.

Do Not Expect A Dog To Deter Raccoons

There is an unfortunate myth that having outdoor dogs will prevent raccoons. Although it is true that some breeds of dogs are able to protect your property better than others, raccoons will fight with dogs and you do not want your bet to get injured. Cats may be good options to get rid of mice, but that is because cats have distinct physically advantages, raccoons can terribly injure your pets.

Call Pest Control

If you see raccoons on your property, do not wait, call Absolut Pest Control. Our team has decades of experience removing rodents and other pests from properties. We can remove raccoons from your attics, basements, lawns, and other areas of your property. Give us a call today or contact us online.

What To Do If A Squirrel Is Inside Your Home

Squirrel control

Squirrels are a loved animal throughout Massachusetts. People love watching them scurry around the Boston Common and Public Garden or even their own backyards. But a squirrel stuck inside your home can cause a lot of problems. First, squirrels can carry rabies and other diseases. Also similar to bats, squirrels are easily panicked and may attack you if you startle them. Aside from disease and attacks, squirrels can cause property damage as they frantically jump around your furniture. Dealing with squirrels is not really something many homeowners are prepared for. Unlike with rodent control, squirrels are not as common. That is why we created this step by step process to deal with squirrels on your property.

If Possible Let The Squirrel Find A Way Out

Most of the time, a squirrel wants out of your property as much as you do. A curious squirrel may have entered your home looking for food, but once trapped, it will desperately look for an exit. The first step you can try is to clear an easy path for the squirrel to exits. Opening windows and doors and keeping them propped open can be effective. However, sometimes squirrels will not want to leave your property. This is especially true in the late fall months. Squirrels may see your home as a possible place to avoid winter weather, which means you will need to find another way to deal with them.

DIY Squirrel Removal

This is not always recommended, but some homeowners attempt to remove squirrels on their own. If you intend to remove a squirrel using a DIY method the most effective one is the blanket method. First make sure you have no exposed skin, because squirrels can claw at you and bite. Then grab a blanket and slowly corner the squirrel. Very quickly, drop the blanket on top of the squirrel, wrap them up, and bring them outside. Warning: this method can cause damage to your property, the squirrel to attack you, or can be ineffective if the squirrel decides to return to your home.

Get Squirrel Control From A Pest Control Service

The safest way to deal with a squirrel is to hire a pest control service. If possible contain the squirrel in a single room until the pest control service can come to your property. Once there they can handle the humane removal of the squirrel from your property and place the squirrel in a better environment. Beyond that, they can make recommendations to prevent future rodent issues.

What To Do About A Squirrel In Your Chimney

If a squirrel enters your home through the chimney and gets stuck you should first try and make loud noises to encourage the squirrel to go back up the chimney. Otherwise, call Pest Control services to handle it. You may need to update your chimney cover to avoid this issue in the future.

Contact Absolut Pest Control

If you have raccoons, squirrels, rodents, or other pests in your home or business this fall, Contact Aboslut Pest Control. Our team would be happy to give you a quote on removing unwanted pests. We can also provide recommendations to stop yearly pest issues at your property.

Should Small Businesses & Property Managers Hire Routine Pest Control

Whether you rent an apartment, own a home, or work in a business, mice are not a problem you want to have. Mice can spread disease as well as leave dropping and ruin your property. For many buildings in New England, it is common to have yearly mouse problems. And although there are many trap options including humane traps and extermination traps, sometimes they just don’t work. You may have considered pest control, but many business owners and apartment renters are not sure if they should hire a pest control service. If mice and rodents continue to be a problem, you may want to consider working with a reputable pest control expert that can get rid of your problem effectively.

Should You Hire Pest Control If You Rent?

If you rent a condo or an apartment, you may not need to hire pest control in the event of a rat or mouse roaming your home. Many realty groups have pest control teams on file that service their buildings. Talk to your realtor about pest control, if they have a recommendation it may come at no charge to you, or at a discounted rate. Otherwise, do research on local pest control teams and see if there is one that offers property management services, you may be able to get a deal from a pest control professional that can check your entire building multiple times a year. One issue for renters is that even in their unit is spotless and clean, other units may be inviting pests due to their uncleanliness or points of access. That is why it is important that a pest control team have access to all units on a property, especially basements and common areas.

Should You Hire Pest Control If You Own A Small Business?

Small businesses should definitely hire pest control for routine service. Unlike a home, a small business’s reputation is on the line if a customer notices a pest. This is especially true for restaurants, but even retail and other industries can suffer from a pest sighting in their building. Working with a pest control team means knowing that pests can be dealt with seasonally before they can become a problem. Although it may be fine for a private home to rely on traps, businesses cannot wait for ineffective traps.

Contact Absolut Pest Control

Does your business or property need routine pest control or a single pest control service? Give us a call, we would be happy to offer a quote.

Pest Control Tips For Mice and Rodents This Fall

It’s fall, which means the return of pumpkin-spiced everything, raking leaves, and Halloween. Many families and businesses will decorate their homes and offices with fake spiders, rats, and other scary animals. And as long as they are plastic, they are fine. But if you notice pests that aren’t decorations or pets in your home, you are going to want to get rid of them. Fall is a key point in pest control because it is around this time that large pests like rodents try to move into homes for shelter. Rodents carry disease and can destroy your property which is why homeowners and business owners are so passionate about getting rid of them. Here are a few tips to keep rodents out of your home this fall.

Take Preventative Actions for Rodent Control

The first thing you should do is take preventative action. When you have a weekend of a few days to work on your home, you will want to inspect the home both inside and out to find entrances for rodents. Check around windows and doors for any gaps. Use weatherstripping to cover these areas. Next, you will want to inspect the area around your siding. If you have vinyl siding or wood siding you need to check for cracks and other damage that may have been caused due to high winds and storms. You will need to seal any cracks with caulk to minimize entry points for pests. Not only will this protect your home from rodents, but it will also protect your home from insects and will decrease your heating bill by stopping warm air from escaping.

Know The Signs of Mice & Rats

If rodents enter your home you will want to know it right away before they cause extensive damage. There are many signs of rodents you may notice before you actually see one run across the floor. Be on the lookout for mouse droppings, gnawed holes, shredded paper, or sounds of mice in the walls and ceiling. If you think you have a rodent in your home, the next step is to either get traps or hire a pest control expert.

Should You Get Pest Control or Traps?

Although traps are often less expensive than hiring pest control, any homeowner or business owner knows that not all traps work. Traps that used to work can also fail to work in the future as rodents adapt over time. If your traps aren’t working, the best way to get rid of a rodent problem is to hire the professionals.

Contact Absolut Pest Control

If you need pest control services, you need to call Absolute Pest Control. Our team works throughout Massachusetts to provide pest control solutions to commercial and residential clients. Contact us online to set up an appointment.

How Often Should You Do Pest Control & Other Frequently Asked Questions

At Absolut Pest control there are a few questions we hear often. Everything from what the pest control process is like, what chemicals we use in fumigation, how long pest control takes, and almost any question about any particular pest. However, there are a few questions in particular that we would like to highlight in this FAQ guide to Pest Control.

How Often Should You Do Pest Control?

On average, treatment for pest control lasts two months. Which is why many pest control companies recommend quarterly visits for businesses and especially restaurants. This is known as preventative pest control and is generally recommended for businesses. For home pest control, it is recommended you have your home seen whenever you notice a pest or signs of a pest.

How Much Does Pest Control Cost

Generally speaking, pest control can range around a few hundred dollars. There are factors that increase pricing including products used and time commitment. However, compared to the damage pests can do to your home, and the diseases they spread, pest control is a much more cost-effective method of dealing with unwanted pests.

What Should I do Before Pest Control

Overall you want your home to be as clean as possible to help Pest Control experts do their job. Here are a few steps we recommend taking.

  • Make sure all food is sealed
  • If you own an aquarium or other animal enclosure, make sure it is covered tightly with plastic and that air pumps are off
  • Close windows tightly
  • Make sure that the Pest Control team has access to all areas of your home by unlocking doors
  • Move couches and other furniture a foot away from walls to give the team more mobility
  • If you have pets make sure that their food, toys, bedding, are all carefully stored to ensure they aren’t exposed to dangerous chemicals


How Long Does A Pest Control Take

Pest control efficacy varies from pest to pest. For instance, rodents and roaches can take two or three days after the initial treatment. However, most insects and pests are dealt with within the first week.

What Should You Do After A Pest Control Visit

After your home has been visited by pest control there are a few things you should be aware of for the first week.

  • Avoid cleaning for the first week, your pest control specialist will tell you when it is safe to clean
  • Handle any home repairs. Pest Control experts usually recommend various home repairs that can lower the chances of reinfestation including fixing leaking gutters and pipes or fixing window screens.
  • Monitor for pests. Continue to check for pests around your home to make sure you are protected from reinfestation

Contact Absolut Pest Control

If you live in Massachusetts and have a pest problem, or have more questions about pest control, give us a call or contact us via our online contact form.

4 DIY Ways To Deal With Ants

Ants are one of the more annoying insect pests. What can start as two or three ants on your countertops can quickly become a horde of bugs throughout your kitchen. Ants can be a gross pest and they can be hard to get rid of. Here are a few ways you can try when trying to get rid of ants in your home.

Lemon Juice

One of the best ways to deal with ants, if you are looking for natural remedies, is to use lemon juice. Lemon juice acts as a very strong deterrent for ants and can keep them from entering your home. Just a few drops of lemon juice on windowsills and doorways can keep new ants from entering your home.

Borax & Sugar

An effective ant poision that can be made at home is mixing water, sugar, and borax. The resulting paste-like compound is poisonous to ants. Generally borax in small doses is safe for pets and children, however, it is still harmful so make sure to be careful. By mixing the borax with either sugar or honey ants are more likely to take the poison back to their colony.


Ants operate using scent trails. Cinnamon can override and remove these scent trails left by other ants. Sprinkling a small amount of cinnamon around the areas that you have found ants is an effective way to stop future ants from following the old scent trails.

Ant Sprays & Insecticides

The most effective way to deal with ants is to locate the nest. Many homeowners are quick to use sprays on ants in their kitchen, but that does not solve the problem long term. Killing worker ants will not prevent the next generation of ants from entering your home. Instead, using storebought insecticides including ant positions is a better method. Worker ants will take the poison back to the colony and will eventually poison their entire colony. If a colony is located, you can you spray on the source.

Hire A Pest Control Specialist

When DIY methods are not working, your best bet is to hire a pest control expert that specializes in insect removal. Pest control teams know how to safely kill ants by locating the colonies and destroying them. If you have an ant problem in Massachusetts, contact Absolut Pest Control through our online form, and a member of our team will help you deal with your infestation.

What You Need To Know About Pest Control Before Buying A Home

Buying a home can be a fun and also stressful process. On the one hand, shopping for a new home is something many couples and families look forward to doing. On the other hand, there are so many things to consider, and so many things you wished you considered after the fact. One thing that many prospective homeowners don’t think about in advance is pest control.

How Do You Know If A Property Needs Termite Control?

The most egregious problem for new homeowners is existing termites. Termites cause terrible property damage that can become a danger to homeowners. Termites often destroy the structural integrity of a home over time, which is why they need to be dealt with quickly. Always request a WDO (wood destroying organism) inspection before signing on to a new home. A proper inspection from an unbiased third-party can ensure that your home is safe from pests. A WDO should only be handled by a licensed pest control professional. Short of ordering an inspection, you can always be on the lookout for visual signs of termites. Gnawed wood, discarded wings, termite feces, and hollow wood are all examples of a termite infestation.

Is Your Home Susceptible to Rodent Infestation?

Older homes are often plagued by rodent problems. Mice, rats, voles, and even squirrels can take up residence in your new home if there are unchecked entry points. Either a third party contractor or pest control specialist can check your property for entryways for rodents. These are easier to spot than the signs of a termite infestation. Of course, be on the lookout for obvious signs like mousetraps, fecal matter, and cracks/holes near the baseboards of the property.

Other Pest Concerns

Rodents and termites aren’t the only pest problem you should be on the lookout for before buying a new home. Make sure to do a visual inspection on the outside of your property for bee and wasp nests. Nests are often located in crevices and corners of roofing and windows. Check windowsills to make sure that there are no gaps for mosquitoes and other insects to crawl in through. This is especially important for kitchen windows. Check the basement and bathrooms for moisture. Excess moisture can become a breeding ground for many different insects.

Contact Absolut Pest Control

If you live in the Massachusetts area and are either looking to buy a new home or are already in your new home, hire a specialist from Absolut Pest Control to help get rid of pests and run inspections. Contact a member of our team today.

2019 Guide on How To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes

There are over three thousand different species of mosquitoes, and none of them are likable. As soon as spring begins, mosquito season starts. Aside from the annoying buzzing and the biting, mosquitoes can carry terrible diseases like West Nile virus and Zika. Massachusettes is expected to see a large increase in the mosquito population in 2019. And there are almost as many reasons to get rid of mosquitoes as there will be mosquitoes. That is why we have created this guide on dealing with mosquitoes.

Remove Standing Water

April showers may bring May flowers, but they also leave a lot of standing water on your property. Survey your land after a rainstorm to make sure there are no puddles of standing water. Check your gutters, check coiled hoses, buckets, tires, pool covers and even trenches in your yard. Standing water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Light landscaping work can help flatten your land to avoid pooling when it rains. The best time to deal with standing water is in April and May, but you will want to deal with standing water as often as possible throughout the summer. Once the ground has defrosted and temperatures are consistently hitting the 50s and 60s, mosquitoes will breed.

Invest in Mosquito Repellant & Outdoor Netting

No summer is complete without enjoying a few BBQ’s on the back deck or in your backyard. However, as any homeowner can attest, mosquitoes can become a real issue around sunset. There are many mosquito repellants on the market. There are even all natural and essential oil options in the market for families that prefer to avoid abrasive chemicals. Depending on where you live, you may even want to invest in bug netting around your backyard or back deck to protect yourself from the pests. Mosquito repellant candles and sprays can temporarily keep mosquitoes away, but for long term results, you should consider a stronger method.

Hire Pest Control

Pest control is not just for dealing with rodents & indoor insects. A pest control service can employ many different methods to destroy mosquito nests and keep your property clear. If you have an infestation near your home because your neighbors didn’t deal with standing water, or you live close to a pond, consider hiring a professional pest control service to use broadcast treatments like a mosquito fogger. Pest control services have access to heavy-duty insecticides that can deal with mosquitoes much more effectively than store brands.

If you live in Massachusettes and hate mosquitoes, call Absolut Pest Control to deal with them professionally. We had a very rainy season for the last six weeks, and there is an expectant surge for mosquito population coming this year. Contact us, and we will professionally deal with them on your property.

The Importance of Environmentally Friendly Bee Removal

It is officially spring, and as the saying goes April showers bring May flowers. And those flowers bring swarms of bees, and other insects as we enter into the warmer seasons. You probably have heard about the decreasing number of honey bees on the news and its negative impact on the environment. That said, bees still pose a very real threat to adults and children who have severe allergies to bee stings. That is why bee removal needs to be handled carefully.

How Bees Impact Our Ecosystem in Massachusetts

The common honey bee has a profound impact on our environment. Bees are almost as important to America’s food production as farmers are. As the main source of pollination, most of the fruits and vegetables that we eat is a direct result of the work on honey bees. Honey bees provide one of the most vital services for plant growth, which is why their numbers dwindling is a real concern for American agriculture and the American economy.

How Not To Remove of Bees

Although the bee population is dwindling, many pest control companies still use lethal methods for dealing with bees. Even most DIY pest control methods involving using harsh chemical sprays to kill or destroy bees and their hives. So far 1 out of every 4 wild bee species has been placed on the endangered species list, and that number is steadily growing. That is why it is important for us to find environmentally conscious ways to deal with bees and other insects.

Environmentally Friendly Ways To Remove Bees & Beehives

If you want to find DIY methods for bee removal there are a few worth trying. Although your safest bet is to work with a pest control company that is experienced in environmentally friendly bee removal. This is especially true if you are allergic. To remove bees in an environmentally conscious way you can try smoking the bees out by lighting paper underneath the hive. Constant smoke near the hive is enough for bees to relocate. However, they may relocate to somewhere nearby on the property.

Bee, Wasp, & Yellowjacket Control In Massachusetts

At Absolut Pest Control we do our best to preserve bee habitats while also getting them off your property. We have special tools and methods to move the hive without damaging it to a safer and more natural location. Although in some cases destroying the hive is necessary, we do our best to get rid of bees with the least amount of damage possible. If you have a bee problem, call us to have it handled professionally. We also offer other pest solutions for the Massachusetts area.