3 Signs Your Home May Have Termites
Much to your chagrin, termites remain active year round. Don’t let your mother or your co-workers tell you they go into a dormant state or become less prevalent in the winter, because they don’t. Discovering a termite infestation can be incredibly disheartening and also leave you scrambling for answers on how to solve the problem. After all, if termites are not discovered early, you stand the chance of having to pour a lot of money into repairing your home. Unfortunately, it can sometimes be difficult to recognize your home even has a termite problem in the first place. So, we’ve compiled a list of warning signs you should be on the lookout for. Read on!
Shelter Tubes
You may notice fan-like looking patterns on your walls or foundations. These are termite shelter tubes and they are key to helping termites maintain a dark, humid atmosphere for general development and food storage. Termites typically build these tubes at night and the larger they appear the more damage your home has likely sustained. The shelters are often various shades of brown, and appear earthen and clay-like in appearance. If you’re concerned about termites, take a look at your foundations and walls. Keeping an eye on things could help you avoid heaps of damage.
Frass Piles
Frass, or termite droppings, are minuscule pellets often found near termite entryways. This sign more or less speaks for itself. If you happen to spot a frass pile, immediately contact pest control services so they can get to work on saving your home. Termite dropping piles are a clear indication you have a termite problem on your hands.
Hollow Wood and/or Sagging Floors
Since termites often burrow in honeycomb patterns, they don’t come close to the surface of the wood. Not only does this add to the list of reasons why detecting termites early can be troublesome, but it also means the termites have more time to burrow and wreak havoc. Wood will continue to grow weaker, which may cause your floors to sag or a hollow noise to emanate from your walls when knocked upon. Don’t chalk these things up to your home’s age, either. If your floors and walls were not like this before, contact professionals to get your home checked out.
No one wants to deal with a termite infested home, ever. Unfortunately, Americans pay millions of dollars annually in termite damage. Don’t allow yourself to be part of that statistic! If you begin to notice any of these warning signs or other worrisome indicators, get in touch with Absolut Pest Control. You can reach us at 978-388-4589 or by filling out an online contact form.
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