3 Different Methods To Get Rid Of Rodents
It starts with the sounds of scuttering feet in the walls and ceiling. And a black or brown blur of speed across the floor when you go to the bathroom at night. Suddenly, it isn’t a question of “if you have mice,” but “how many mice are there,” and “can mice climb into beds”? (Yes, yes they can). Now you have mice in your apartment, eating your food, trashing your furniture, and not paying rent. The most important question becomes “how do you get rid of the mice”? There are thousands of traps, superstitions, old wive’s tales, and “how to get rid of mice” blogs on the internet (including this one).
All-Natural & Humane Methods
The myth that the only way to take care of pests is to exterminate them is very pervasive. In reality, a lot of humane methods can be effective for small pest control jobs. If you are trying to persuade one or two mice to try the apartment down the street instead, there are a few ways you can accomplish this. If you want to pursue the humane method, start by being proactive. Limit entry points by block holes, keep your food stored in airtight containers, and use natural repellents to keep away mice. Peppermint has been found to be the most effective scent deterrent.
If you already have a mouse, do your research on non-lethal traps. There are many reasons to avoid using rat poison beyond just wanting to be humane, especially if you have pets and children. Look for traps that provide minimal harm to mice and make sure to check your traps regularly to avoid starving a mouse to death.
Traditional Traps
Of course, you may decide to use more traditional traps. In some cases, there are mouse traps that are designed to kill a mouse while minimizing potential suffering. Depending on your conscious, it might be worth investing in these traps. Cats provide a natural deterrent to mice, both because their natural smell is something rodents have evolved to fear, and because cats have a natural ability to dispose of mice (although don’t be surprised if your cat parades around their kill like a trophy).
When to Hire a Professional
In fairness, we are a bit biased here (this a professional pest control blog after all). But seriously, there are two times you absolutely need to call professional help. First, if nothing else is working and you have tried all the DIY methods. Second, if the word infestation is the best description of your situation. Whether your home or property needs to be fumigated or there is a single rodent that is the bane of your existence, it helps to get professionals involved. Not only can professional pest controllers remove mice, rats, bats, and other problematic pests, professionals can find and assess root problems. Pest controllers can give professional recommendations on how to keep pests out. From better food storage to needed construction to limit entry points.
If you have a mouse or other pest control problem, call us at Absolut Pest Control. We also provide evaluations of your property to help prevent any future infestations.
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